contemporary teaching
- Connecting Art and Science
In our increasingly complex contemporary divisions between different
Kunstdisziplinen und zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft immer durchlässiger, die Produktion
neuen Wissens durch interdisziplinäre und transmediale Arbeitsprozesse immer wichtiger. 1
Die UdK hat als Antwort auf die veränderten Anforderungen an zeitgemäße Lehre die
Graduiertenschule gegründet, welche den Brückenschlag zwischen den Künsten und den
Wissenschaften vorantreiben sollen. 2 Innerhalb der UdK wird auf diesen Brückenschlag aber
noch zögernd reagiert:
Auf der einen Seite gibt es die Position, dass die Unterscheidung zwischen Künsten und
Wissenschaften nicht mehr vertretbar und daher obsolet sei. Auf der anderen Seite steht die
Position, die den Unterschied zwischen Künsten und Wissenschaften für dermaßen
ausgeprägt hält, dass eine Synthese im Rahmen einer Graduiertenschule nicht möglich sei.
Künste und Wissenschaften müsse man „artig“ voneinander trennen, sonst gebe es
Reputationsverluste auf beiden Seiten. 3
Interflugs vertritt die Meinung kein Entweder-Oder zur forcieren (entweder nur ein
traditionelles Kunst- oder Wissenschaftsverständnis oder nur ein Wechselverhältnis von
Künsten und Wissenschaften), vielmehr sollten interdisziplinäre Positions are represented in parallel with
other models. In any case, pulses from the Graduate School
be found in the individual faculties again, this is true Interflugs agree with the official
position of the Arts:
are comparatively often given consideration to how the idea of a
graduate school artistic-scientific transferred to the undergraduate level
can be. It would be unfortunate if it were made only after completion of studies,
intensified bridge the gap between the disciplines of the Arts Berlin without
that it benefited students at the beginning or during their studies . 4
Within the College of Fine Arts, there are currently few models, the artistic
and theoretical perspectives connect consistently.
At the hearing on 30.04.2009 was characterized Dr. Hito Steyerl in her presentation as
hybrid, that is, both artistically and scientifically qualified from
personality. None of the other candidates and candidates a similar
profound artistic and scientific knowledge spectrum could show accompanied with
forward-looking, relevant themes and experimental practices. Your
non-traditional combination of study in film directing at universities in Tokyo and
Munich and philosophy at the Academy of Vienna enable them influential in various
art forms and discourses participate
the only candidate to Hito Steyerl has targeted for teaching at the University of Arts expressed their
content and formats they previously developed at various reputable institutions and
has tested (Goldsmith College London, School of Film and Television Munich,
Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Berlin University).
EDUCATION - combining theory and practice
combines in its theoretical seminars Hito Steyerl film and video history with
socially relevant topics and innovative artistic strategies. As
visiting professor at the University of the Arts was Hito Steyerl following seminars: "Media Matters,"
"Documentary Turn", "History is a plastic medium. " In its latest seminar "Aesthetics of
the Crisis", it linked at the development of film language with the development of
financial speculation, in order to examine how the complexity of abstract economic
systems today can provide the media. It is rarely far from our faculty that
same teacher are theoretical seminars and business meetings through out. has
While visiting professor of Hito Steyerl sich diese Praxis jedoch als sehr fruchtbar
erwiesen. Zentrale Fragestellungen, zum Beispiel inwiefern Fiktionen imstande sind
Realitäten zu schaffen, werden in den Arbeitsbesprechungen der Klasse wieder aufgegriffen
und bereichern das Diskussionsniveau, da sie den eigenen Kunstwerken einen
mehrschichtigen Zugang eröffnen.
Der UdK ist die internationale Networking a big concern, she maintains over 130
university partnerships, about 20% of students come from abroad. Hito
Steyerl takes this into account, where she teaches English and
foreign students are always the opportunity to share their perspectives.
which also benefit the local students by integrating them into an international
ideas are involved, what they turn to future work or
prepared study visits overseas. There is an active class blog where
students, themes, ideas, projects will be linked productively and continue to grow.
DISCOURSE - political and ethical issues
in the media and in art science Hito Steyerl received as important thinker
that to complex issues such as the impact of media globalization and
the digital Reproducibility of images takes and raises questions about the political
responsibility and ethics in art. In her 2008 book "The
color of truth 5 " she circled three questions: 1 How the real can even think now
? 2. Criticism is at all possible, if we are always embedded in the power of images
, and how? 6 third What Forms can take the articulation of protest?
The discussions, which are conducive to their class reunions and in her seminars, lead us
always our own options, and, above all as our
social responsibility cultural producers eye . We derive from
Hito Steyerl recent commitment and their careers that they give in their own
artistic and theoretical performance, as well as in their doctrine advanced pulses
and the University of the Arts will be represented at the highest level of public impact.
a New models for dialogue between the arts and the sciences are currently at the Max-Planck-
Institute History of Science ("The Common Language of Art and Science") and the Free University
Berlin (International Research Training Group "InterArt Studies") is investigating.
2 exploratory group Graduate School: potentials and perspectives. Soundings to a graduate school of
Arts Berlin, Berlin 2007, p. 5 See also Martin Rennert (Ed.), Graduate School: Arts and
Sciences - thinking about the future, University of the Arts Berlin, Berlin 2007.
3 Ibid, p. 23
4 Ibid., P. 26
5 Hito Steyerl, the color of truth, documentarisms in the art field, Verlag Turia + Kant, 2008
6 Kathleen Hofer, review of the above-mentioned book, springerin 1 / 09
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