S PINION Class Douglas regarding the ongoing appeals process to appoint the new Chair of "experimental photography and film and video design, animation.
hereby expressly supporting the former class, the job Dr. Douglas Hitomi Steyerl in the current appointment process for the Chair of "experimental photography and film and video design, Animation. "
A central concern for us is the continuity of teaching. For seven semesters have to accept our class with an ever-changing care. We demand to respect the fact that has been built under line Hito Steyerl a structured and workable teaching, which also benefits students in other classes and even other departments.
Another important issue is the occupation of the position in accordance with the requirements of our class. The teaching concept of Class Douglas was characterized from the start by a close connection between theory and practice. The committed and well-coordinated supply Hito Steyerl continues a training concept that can be absorbed in the scope and quality at this time by no alternatives within the faculty first The placement of a theoretical analysis of contemporary media in close coordination with the supervision of student projects is unique to our university.
After leaving the Stan Douglas WAS 06/07 students in our class is a continuous work at the University of the Arts has been no longer possible as the training place was occupied by a visiting professor temporary. There is a persistent confusion about the persistence of the classroom. Seit dem WS 07/08 etablierte Hito Steyerl im Zuge dieser Gastprofessur folgendes Studienangebot:
- In vierzehntägigem Rhythmus findet ein Klassentreffen statt, in welchem Studierenden die Möglichkeit geboten wird ihre Arbeiten in der Gruppe zu besprechen. Hierbei profitiert die Klassengemeinschaft vom demokratischen Aufbau dieser Treffen. Entscheidungen werden diskutiert und gemeinsam getroffen. Auch strukturelle Fragen, Klassenbewerbungen oder Seminarthemen werden so entsprechend den Interessen der Studierenden in einem konstruktiven Gesprächsklima zur Position gestellt.
- Außerhalb der Klassentreffen besteht regelmäßig die Möglichkeit von Einzelbesprechungen mit Hito Steyerl.
- Parallel zu den Klassentreffen wird ein ebenfalls von Hito Steyerl geleitetes klassenübergreifendes Theorieseminar angeboten. Die Schwerpunkte orientierten sich jedes Semester an wechselnden Themen. So war z.B. im WS 08/09 "History is a plastic medium" der Titel des Seminars, welches in Zusammenarbeit mit dem NBK stattfand. Im Zuge des Seminars bestand durch die Teilnahme an der Ausstellung "Kunst und Öffentlichkeit, 40 Jahre NBK" die Möglichkeit wichtige Einblicke in den Organisationsprozess einer to get exhibition.
- Weekly finds a place of Christopher Manz guided workshop in technical fields. The topics included: analog / digital photography, image editing, film / video, as well as introduction to the popular computer programs (InDesign, Photoshop, FinalCut, AfterEffects, etc.).
Dr. Steyerl offers our class and many other students from the Faculty of Fine Arts with a valuable training priorities, which are perceived by our students in the contemporary media as elementary. It gives us a critical Awareness of the reception and in particular for the production of images, and that is what we see as essential contents of our study. For these reasons, we are committed for the continuation of this excellent training, Hito Steyerl could offer us in the past two years.
We do not want to again experience the construction of a new class structure for some of us all, now nearly completed, has influenced studies. We want also arises out of our class an understanding of the value of teaching, providing us with great dedication and personal commitment of Dr. Steyerl is offered. We urge them to choose this occupation operations in favor of students, the results are closest together and formulate long-term hereby what they expect from a high-quality artistic education at the University of the Arts.
your class Steyerl
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