- Memo to members of the Faculty of Fine Arts Council, the Academic Senate and to Senator Dr. Zoellner -
In the course of the current appeal for re-occupation of the Chair of Experimental photography, film-video design, animation, "we want to express ourselves as members of the affected class Steyerl to the appellate project.
After the public presentations by the applicants, the artist and author Hito Steyerl von der Berufungskommission aufgrund ihrer herausragenden Qualifikation auf den ersten Platz der Vorschlagsliste gesetzt. Diese Entscheidung entspricht den Wünschen der Studierenden vor dem Hintergrund, dass mit Hito Steyerl endlich auch die derzeit unterrepräsentierte Position im Bereich Film und Video herausragend besetzt würde.
Dieser Vorschlag wurde anschließend von der Berufungskommission dem Fakultätsrat vorgelegt und scheint nun schon zum zweiten nicht angenommen worden zu sein.
Für uns ist es unverständlich und es erscheint uns suspekt, dass die Liste der Berufungskommission trotz des eindeutigen Votums der Studierenden, working in photography, film and video, and have spoken out in a 160 with comprehensive list of signatures for Hito Steyerl, in spite of identical statements of the Library Advisory Board BK and the autonomous student organization Interflugs including the efforts of the student committee members were tilted twice by the majority of professors appears to be.
How can it happen that the faculty members with voting rights, which were also part of the appeal commission, oppose that proposal / agreement or not use it? Why can not because of the Higher Education Act this seemingly democratic practices in University committees are negotiated not transparent? What are values in higher education and what do students actually votes?
We as students of this university, these processes can not accept without protest statement, and standing up again to press for the re-occupation of professor position with that of our highly esteemed and as since WAS 2007/2008 Visiting Professor of Hito Steyerl a working class. same time, we feel our interests are not represented by the Faculty Council and speak out against the bodies of our mistrust.
Steyerl class, students of the Arts, 15 July 2009
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