We protest against the current study conditions at the University of the Arts!
Our class (the former class of Stan Douglas) has for over three years
no regular professor. The group of professors in the
College of Fine Arts University of the Arts has appointed because of internal disputes,
mundane power struggles and inability to act, no new
professor to the photographic, video and animation. In the
past few years, thanks to the commitment of students, that
each semester a visiting professor was used.
Now it is sufficient: the procedure for filling the post will not be re
finalized. University of the Arts has reached a further delay,
because none of the faculty of the proposed candidates accepted
added. Our professor, Dr. Hito Steyerl that the class has cared for well over a year
was proposed by the Appeal Committee,
but not in the faculty adopted. Das stinkt nach Vetternwirtschaft
und einer groben Missachtung der Bedürfnisse und Rechte der Studierenden.
Dr. Hito Steyerl war die erste der GastprofessorInnen, die wieder eine profunde
Lehre in die Atelierklasse gebracht hat. Die überwiegende Anzahl der im
Bereich Fotografie und Video arbeitenden Studierenden als auch die Klasse
selbst, sowie in anderen Bereichen arbeitende Studierende bis hin zu
Professoren und Werkstattleitern haben sich ausdrücklich für den Verbleib von
Hito Steyerl expressed as a professor.
Our demand is completely ignored by the University of the Arts.
means specifically the non-occupation of the Chair at least two other
semester without regular care. The focus on New Media in
Faculty Fine Arts at the University is and will remain under-represented.
Ex-Steyerl class and supporters
Wir akzeptieren eure Scheisse nicht!
Auch nicht eure machistische Vetternwirtschaft!
Für eine kontinuierliche und selbstbestimmte Lehre!
Wer ist die Uni, wenn nicht wir?
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