Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Household Good Lubes For Masterbation

Students call for a contemporary teaching

Verfasst von den Studierenden der Bildenden Kunst an der UdK Berlin, 22. Juli 2009

UdK Berlin: Tag der Offenen Tür blockiert 

- Studierende fordern eine zeitgemäße Lehre an der Universität der Künste

Der Rundgang der Universität der Künste Berlin gewährt als Tag der Offenen Tür jährlich über

zehntausend Interessierten einen Einblick in die Arbeit und das Studium an Deutschlands größter

Kunsthochschule. Yet while on 16.07.2009 President Prof. Martin Rennert the tour

solemnly opened in the courtyard, students barricaded the main entrance with gates

and banners. Interior and exterior were bunched up crowds. Hereby

students brought their protest loudly against incomprehensible appeal to the

College of Fine Arts expressed. The students demand the recognition of

student vote, and the recognition of the decision of the Appeals Commission for the

internationally renowned artist Dr. Hito Steyerl the professor. Although active in solidarity with a

quarter of the student body, the outcome of the case even after

more votes in the Faculty Council is uncertain. It remains to be seen whether the previously not represented

film / video is finally with the tender conditions

qualified professor occupied.

The current domestic political situation at the University of the Arts in 2006, has been critically discussed in the media

. At that time, the students boycotted the Rundgang mit der Aktion „Außer Haus,“

um gegen den Weggang der Professoren Stan Douglas, Daniel Richter und Tony Cragg zu

protestieren. Seitdem scheint sich an der Fakultät Bildende Kunst nicht viel geändert zu haben.

Nach wie vor wird die Stimme der Studenten ignoriert und entgegen deren Vorstellung einer

zeitgemäßen Lehre gehandelt. An der UdK sind Lehrveranstaltungen zu politischen und

theoretischen Themen wie postkolonialer Kritik, Gender Studies, internationaler Feminismus,

Film/Video nicht vorhanden oder unterrepräsentiert.

The former Video class by Stan Douglas has to get more than three years without a permanent professor

and is now fighting on the side of the Library Advisory Council Visual Arts and the

autonomous student organization Interflugs for the appointment of Hito Steyerl. Your

work as a filmmaker and author in the fields of essayist documentary,

postcolonial criticism, feminism and cultural globalization - between film

and visual arts as well as theory and practice. This is content that the Teaching offers the

missing and the Arts of the students wanted to be. Under the guise of bureaucratic processes

the interests of students, however, ignored for years.

Karoline Kreissl, spokeswoman for the Student Council University of the Arts explains:

"As long as voting rights in committees, not all groups (professors, students, middle part,

administration) equally represented , it can happen again and again that

advertised Professuren nicht besetzt werden können, weil es innerhalb der

ProfessorInnenschaft zu Grabenkämpfen kommt. Die Schuld liegt bei den ProfessorInnen!"

Die Blockade der Offenen Tür führte zu einem Termin der Studierenden mit dem Präsidenten zu

einer Verhandlung am 24. Juli. Nun steht Prof. Martin Rennert unter Handlungsdruck, zwischen

den Forderungen der Studierenden und denen des Fakultätsrats zu vermitteln. Sollte es zu keinen

verbindlichen Ergebnissen kommen, sind die Studierenden bereit, weitere Aktionen follow zu

lassen. There Protest gegen das als nichtnachvollziehbare Berufungsverfahren beginnt eine

unvorhersehbare Eigendynamik zu entwickeln.


Karoline Kreissl. Asta UDK:

Vincent Grunwald, Tutor who Hito Steyerl Class:

Putting Herpes Cream On Acne

the Arts - Open House Day blocked. Students demand a contemporary art education.


From the Students of the Faculty of Fine Arts to UDK Berlin, 22.07.2009

Each year, Open House Day at the Berlin University of Arts provides a glimpse of work and education inside Germany´s largest art school for about 10.000 people. But while the university chairman Martin Rennert was inaugurating this year's show on Jul 16th in the school courtyard, students blocked the main entrance with fences and banners. The students were protesting against an obscure appointment procedure for an open professorship in New Media at the Faculty of Fine Arts, demanding the recognition of the student vote as well as the implementation of the decision of the appointments committee for the internationally renown artist  Hito Steyerl as professor.

While more than 25% of students actively support these claims, the outcome of the proceedings is unclear even after several rounds of voting in the faculty board. It remains to be seen whether the hitherto unrepresented area of film and video will be filled with a qualified professor.

The political situation at the UdK already fell under critical media scrutiny in 2006. Back then, the students boycotted Open Day with the campaign „Ausser Haus“ (Outdoors) to protest the resignation of professors Stan Douglas, Daniel Richter and Tony Cragg. Since then, nothing seems to have changed inside the faculty, which continues to ignore the students' input into their own education.

The former video class of Stan Douglas has been without a tenured professor for more than 3 years and is now campaigning alongside student representatives of the Fine Arts faculty and the autonomous student body Interflugs for the appointment of Hito Steyerl. Her work as filmmaker and author in the area of essay film, postcolonial theory, feminism and cultural globalisation  addresses precisely those topics missing from the course offerings at UdK that the students want. Under the pretext of administrative proceedings, their interests have consistently been ignored.

Karoline Kreissl, speaker of the General Student Union comments:

"As long as the votes of different groups (professors, students and mid-level faculty) are distributed unequally within university panels, the appointment of professors can be blocked by factional squabbles among the faculty. The blame lies with the professors."

The blockade of Open House Day led to an appointment  between the university chairman and students on Jul 24th. Now, Martin Rennert is called upon to mediate between the claims of students and the faculty board. If this does not produce binding results, the students are ready to pursue further actions. 


Karoline Kreißl. AstA UdK:

Vincent Grunwald, Tutor der Hito Steyerl class:

How Long Does It Take For Stomach Polyp Biopsys?

NOTICE: negotiating with the President 24.07.09

Prof. Martin Rennert invited the following persons:
- A delegation of students
- The Commission's chairman, Karl Heinz Lüdeking
- The Dean, Ana Dimke
- The professor, Josephine Pryde
- The women's representative, Sigrid Hare and Sophie Hamacher

If at that hearing the students' demands are not met, we continue the protests. An international online petition is being prepared.

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students fight for their professor:, art304, 2853507

Friday, July 17, 2009

Buddhist Swastika Symbol

BLOCKADE OF TOUR - 16 July 2009

While the Arts President Prof. Martin Rennert in the garden officially opened the tour, the students blocking the main entrance for an hour. No one can enter, no one can out. With banners, leaflets and chanting ( who is the uni, if not us? ), the "09-stool visitors" on a suspicious appeals resolved.



We protest against the current study conditions at the University of the Arts!

Our class (the former class of Stan Douglas) has for over three years

no regular professor. The group of professors in the

College of Fine Arts University of the Arts has appointed because of internal disputes,

mundane power struggles and inability to act, no new

professor to the photographic, video and animation. In the

past few years, thanks to the commitment of students, that

each semester a visiting professor was used.

Now it is sufficient: the procedure for filling the post will not be re

finalized. University of the Arts has reached a further delay,

because none of the faculty of the proposed candidates accepted

added. Our professor, Dr. Hito Steyerl that the class has cared for well over a year

was proposed by the Appeal Committee,

but not in the faculty adopted. Das stinkt nach Vetternwirtschaft

und einer groben Missachtung der Bedürfnisse und Rechte der Studierenden.

Dr. Hito Steyerl war die erste der GastprofessorInnen, die wieder eine profunde

Lehre in die Atelierklasse gebracht hat. Die überwiegende Anzahl der im

Bereich Fotografie und Video arbeitenden Studierenden als auch die Klasse

selbst, sowie in anderen Bereichen arbeitende Studierende bis hin zu

Professoren und Werkstattleitern haben sich ausdrücklich für den Verbleib von

Hito Steyerl expressed as a professor.

Our demand is completely ignored by the University of the Arts.

means specifically the non-occupation of the Chair at least two other

semester without regular care. The focus on New Media in

Faculty Fine Arts at the University is and will remain under-represented.

Ex-Steyerl class and supporters

Wir akzeptieren eure Scheisse nicht!

Auch nicht eure machistische Vetternwirtschaft!

Für eine kontinuierliche und selbstbestimmte Lehre!

Wer ist die Uni, wenn nicht wir?

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OPEN LETTER-vote of no confidence to the faculty-Jul 15, 2009

Am 15. Juli 2009 dringen die Studierenden in die Nicht-öffentliche Sitzung des Fakultätsrates und geben in einem Offenen Brief ihr Misstrauen gegenüber dem Fakultätsrat zum Ausdruck.

Open letter from the class Steyerl

- Memo to members of the Faculty of Fine Arts Council, the Academic Senate and to Senator Dr. Zoellner -

In the course of the current appeal for re-occupation of the Chair of Experimental photography, film-video design, animation, "we want to express ourselves as members of the affected class Steyerl to the appellate project.

After the public presentations by the applicants, the artist and author Hito Steyerl von der Berufungskommission aufgrund ihrer herausragenden Qualifikation auf den ersten Platz der Vorschlagsliste gesetzt. Diese Entscheidung entspricht den Wünschen der Studierenden vor dem Hintergrund, dass mit Hito Steyerl endlich auch die derzeit unterrepräsentierte Position im Bereich Film und Video herausragend besetzt würde.

Dieser Vorschlag wurde anschließend von der Berufungskommission dem Fakultätsrat vorgelegt und scheint nun schon zum zweiten nicht angenommen worden zu sein.

Für uns ist es unverständlich und es erscheint uns suspekt, dass die Liste der Berufungskommission trotz des eindeutigen Votums der Studierenden, working in photography, film and video, and have spoken out in a 160 with comprehensive list of signatures for Hito Steyerl, in spite of identical statements of the Library Advisory Board BK and the autonomous student organization Interflugs including the efforts of the student committee members were tilted twice by the majority of professors appears to be.

How can it happen that the faculty members with voting rights, which were also part of the appeal commission, oppose that proposal / agreement or not use it? Why can not because of the Higher Education Act this seemingly democratic practices in University committees are negotiated not transparent? What are values in higher education and what do students actually votes?

We as students of this university, these processes can not accept without protest statement, and standing up again to press for the re-occupation of professor position with that of our highly esteemed and as since WAS 2007/2008 Visiting Professor of Hito Steyerl a working class. same time, we feel our interests are not represented by the Faculty Council and speak out against the bodies of our mistrust.

Steyerl class, students of the Arts, 15 July 2009

Congratulations On Your Impending Arrival.


S PINION Class Douglas regarding the ongoing appeals process to appoint the new Chair of "experimental photography and film and video design, animation.

hereby expressly supporting the former class, the job Dr. Douglas Hitomi Steyerl in the current appointment process for the Chair of "experimental photography and film and video design, Animation. "

A central concern for us is the continuity of teaching. For seven semesters have to accept our class with an ever-changing care. We demand to respect the fact that has been built under line Hito Steyerl a structured and workable teaching, which also benefits students in other classes and even other departments.

Another important issue is the occupation of the position in accordance with the requirements of our class. The teaching concept of Class Douglas was characterized from the start by a close connection between theory and practice. The committed and well-coordinated supply Hito Steyerl continues a training concept that can be absorbed in the scope and quality at this time by no alternatives within the faculty first The placement of a theoretical analysis of contemporary media in close coordination with the supervision of student projects is unique to our university.

After leaving the Stan Douglas WAS 06/07 students in our class is a continuous work at the University of the Arts has been no longer possible as the training place was occupied by a visiting professor temporary. There is a persistent confusion about the persistence of the classroom. Seit dem WS 07/08 etablierte Hito Steyerl im Zuge dieser Gastprofessur folgendes Studienangebot:

- In vierzehntägigem Rhythmus findet ein Klassentreffen statt, in welchem Studierenden die Möglichkeit geboten wird ihre Arbeiten in der Gruppe zu besprechen.   Hierbei profitiert die Klassengemeinschaft vom demokratischen Aufbau dieser Treffen. Entscheidungen werden diskutiert und gemeinsam getroffen. Auch strukturelle Fragen, Klassenbewerbungen oder Seminarthemen werden so entsprechend den Interessen der Studierenden in einem konstruktiven Gesprächsklima zur Position gestellt.

- Außerhalb der Klassentreffen besteht regelmäßig die Möglichkeit von Einzelbesprechungen mit Hito Steyerl.

- Parallel zu den Klassentreffen wird ein ebenfalls von Hito Steyerl geleitetes klassenübergreifendes Theorieseminar angeboten. Die Schwerpunkte orientierten sich jedes Semester an wechselnden Themen. So war z.B. im WS 08/09 "History is a plastic medium" der Titel des Seminars, welches in Zusammenarbeit mit dem NBK stattfand. Im Zuge des Seminars bestand durch die Teilnahme an der Ausstellung "Kunst und Öffentlichkeit, 40 Jahre NBK" die Möglichkeit wichtige Einblicke in den Organisationsprozess einer to get exhibition.

- Weekly finds a place of Christopher Manz guided workshop in technical fields. The topics included: analog / digital photography, image editing, film / video, as well as introduction to the popular computer programs (InDesign, Photoshop, FinalCut, AfterEffects, etc.).

Dr. Steyerl offers our class and many other students from the Faculty of Fine Arts with a valuable training priorities, which are perceived by our students in the contemporary media as elementary. It gives us a critical Awareness of the reception and in particular for the production of images, and that is what we see as essential contents of our study. For these reasons, we are committed for the continuation of this excellent training, Hito Steyerl could offer us in the past two years.

We do not want to again experience the construction of a new class structure for some of us all, now nearly completed, has influenced studies. We want also arises out of our class an understanding of the value of teaching, providing us with great dedication and personal commitment of Dr. Steyerl is offered. We urge them to choose this occupation operations in favor of students, the results are closest together and formulate long-term hereby what they expect from a high-quality artistic education at the University of the Arts.


your class Steyerl

Ballet Slippers For Flat Feet


call the Library Advisory Council visual arts to fill the W3 Professorship
ratio 1 / 126 / 08 "experimental photography and film and video design"

To the members of the inside of the above appeal decision-making bodies .

positioned with this letter, the fsrbk the appeal process, the aforementioned place as the official body of the student body, to represent their vote. Here, we consider the künftige fill the post in the context of current higher education situation and the demand of the student body for a highly qualified teaching in all artistic Bereichen.

Der fsrbk spricht in diesem Zusammenhang eine eindeutige Empfehlung für Dr. Hito Steyerl aus. Hito Steyerl ist seit 2007 Gastprofessorin an der UdK, wo sie ihre Lehrtätgkeit nach den Stationen Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien und Goldsmith College London fortsetzt und ihre sowohl künstlerische als auch theoretische Lehrerfahrung einbringt. Derzeit ist Hito Steyerl die einzige Lehrende mit einem expliziten Schwerpunkt im Bereich Film/ Video. Dies sind Medien mit denen Studierende arbeiten und hiermit den Anspruch auf kontinuierliche und qualifizierte Betreuung einfordern!

Hito Steyerls Arbeit als Filmemacherin und Autorin in den Bereichen essayistischer Dokumentarfilm, post-colonial criticism, feminist criticism and cultural globalization, both as a producer and as a theorist-move between film and visual arts as well as theory and practice. Their aims and crisscrossed by grass-roots approaches teaching leads continue this discourse, we see risk as a student after the removal of Stan Douglas, even though they are already in the international canon of contemporary artistic "doctrine. Hito Steyerl embodies a multi-dimensional perspective, a multidisciplinary practice, and a cross-cultural understanding, for the future of the university are vital as an international location. Clearly this example, the seminar "Aethetics of crisis" in the summer semester 2009, which discussed a wide border international crises in the historical context, and this opened up the basis of film-/kunsthistorischen examples.

started her professional career of their international education about a filmmaker its promotion over its multilingual übersetzten publications to extensive reception of their work in contexts such as Documenta 12, the Generali Foundation, and the Kunsthalle Wien, the NBK, the NGBK the art works and the House of World Cultures Berlin, the ZKM Karlsruhe and the Munchner Art Club to name just a selection in the German context of art-Hito Steyerl qualified for the of the posts, which the students with an internationally recognized, progressive and busy in the film rooted KünstlerpersoÅNnlichkeit see.

There are currently no upcoming film festivals in the area professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts. This under-representation is to balance and due regard being had to the appeal of the place.

We urge the parties to the decision-making bodies to recognize the above arguments and priorities and Hito Steyerl give the reputation as a professor!

With kind regards,
the fsrbk written by Marku Göster

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contemporary teaching

- Connecting Art and Science

In our increasingly complex contemporary divisions between different

Kunstdisziplinen und zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft immer durchlässiger, die Produktion

neuen Wissens durch interdisziplinäre und transmediale Arbeitsprozesse immer wichtiger. 1

Die UdK hat als Antwort auf die veränderten Anforderungen an zeitgemäße Lehre die

Graduiertenschule gegründet, welche den Brückenschlag zwischen den Künsten und den

Wissenschaften vorantreiben sollen. 2 Innerhalb der UdK wird auf diesen Brückenschlag aber

noch zögernd reagiert:

Auf der einen Seite gibt es die Position, dass die Unterscheidung zwischen Künsten und

Wissenschaften nicht mehr vertretbar und daher obsolet sei. Auf der anderen Seite steht die

Position, die den Unterschied zwischen Künsten und Wissenschaften für dermaßen

ausgeprägt hält, dass eine Synthese im Rahmen einer Graduiertenschule nicht möglich sei.

Künste und Wissenschaften müsse man „artig“ voneinander trennen, sonst gebe es

Reputationsverluste auf beiden Seiten. 3

Interflugs vertritt die Meinung kein Entweder-Oder zur forcieren (entweder nur ein

traditionelles Kunst- oder Wissenschaftsverständnis oder nur ein Wechselverhältnis von

Künsten und Wissenschaften), vielmehr sollten interdisziplinäre Positions are represented in parallel with

other models. In any case, pulses from the Graduate School

be found in the individual faculties again, this is true Interflugs agree with the official

position of the Arts:

are comparatively often given consideration to how the idea of a

graduate school artistic-scientific transferred to the undergraduate level

can be. It would be unfortunate if it were made only after completion of studies,

intensified bridge the gap between the disciplines of the Arts Berlin without

that it benefited students at the beginning or during their studies . 4

Within the College of Fine Arts, there are currently few models, the artistic

and theoretical perspectives connect consistently.

At the hearing on 30.04.2009 was characterized Dr. Hito Steyerl in her presentation as

hybrid, that is, both artistically and scientifically qualified from

personality. None of the other candidates and candidates a similar

profound artistic and scientific knowledge spectrum could show accompanied with

forward-looking, relevant themes and experimental practices. Your

non-traditional combination of study in film directing at universities in Tokyo and

Munich and philosophy at the Academy of Vienna enable them influential in various

art forms and discourses participate

the only candidate to Hito Steyerl has targeted for teaching at the University of Arts expressed their

content and formats they previously developed at various reputable institutions and

has tested (Goldsmith College London, School of Film and Television Munich,

Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Berlin University).

EDUCATION - combining theory and practice

combines in its theoretical seminars Hito Steyerl film and video history with

socially relevant topics and innovative artistic strategies. As

visiting professor at the University of the Arts was Hito Steyerl following seminars: "Media Matters,"

"Documentary Turn", "History is a plastic medium. " In its latest seminar "Aesthetics of

the Crisis", it linked at the development of film language with the development of

financial speculation, in order to examine how the complexity of abstract economic

systems today can provide the media. It is rarely far from our faculty that

same teacher are theoretical seminars and business meetings through out. has

While visiting professor of Hito Steyerl sich diese Praxis jedoch als sehr fruchtbar

erwiesen. Zentrale Fragestellungen, zum Beispiel inwiefern Fiktionen imstande sind

Realitäten zu schaffen, werden in den Arbeitsbesprechungen der Klasse wieder aufgegriffen

und bereichern das Diskussionsniveau, da sie den eigenen Kunstwerken einen

mehrschichtigen Zugang eröffnen.


Der UdK ist die internationale Networking a big concern, she maintains over 130

university partnerships, about 20% of students come from abroad. Hito

Steyerl takes this into account, where she teaches English and

foreign students are always the opportunity to share their perspectives.

which also benefit the local students by integrating them into an international

ideas are involved, what they turn to future work or

prepared study visits overseas. There is an active class blog where

students, themes, ideas, projects will be linked productively and continue to grow.

DISCOURSE - political and ethical issues

in the media and in art science Hito Steyerl received as important thinker

that to complex issues such as the impact of media globalization and

the digital Reproducibility of images takes and raises questions about the political

responsibility and ethics in art. In her 2008 book "The

color of truth 5 " she circled three questions: 1 How the real can even think now

? 2. Criticism is at all possible, if we are always embedded in the power of images

, and how? 6 third What Forms can take the articulation of protest?

The discussions, which are conducive to their class reunions and in her seminars, lead us

always our own options, and, above all as our

social responsibility cultural producers eye . We derive from

Hito Steyerl recent commitment and their careers that they give in their own

artistic and theoretical performance, as well as in their doctrine advanced pulses

and the University of the Arts will be represented at the highest level of public impact.

a New models for dialogue between the arts and the sciences are currently at the Max-Planck-

Institute History of Science ("The Common Language of Art and Science") and the Free University

Berlin (International Research Training Group "InterArt Studies") is investigating.

2 exploratory group Graduate School: potentials and perspectives. Soundings to a graduate school of

Arts Berlin, Berlin 2007, p. 5 See also Martin Rennert (Ed.), Graduate School: Arts and

Sciences - thinking about the future, University of the Arts Berlin, Berlin 2007.

3 Ibid, p. 23

4 Ibid., P. 26

5 Hito Steyerl, the color of truth, documentarisms in the art field, Verlag Turia + Kant, 2008

6 Kathleen Hofer, review of the above-mentioned book, springerin 1 / 09