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Kinder in Münster (II)

29th September 2010
mail to the Youth Office of Munster

ladies ladies and gentlemen,

I'm an editor and writer Wilhelmshaven, kandidiere here next year as mayor and I have been working almost three years youth services family courts with, children's homes etc . Aspects of this work I have brought praise from Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who I know personally, because she lives in Burgdorf near Hanover. there I was city editor until 2003.

me last night v. called from Münster. In this interview, she broke into tears several times. I will check their accounts on the basis of documents which sends them to me today.

they should correspond to the truth, I ask questions to the responsible criminal complaint for child custody. I urge you therefore not to call v. harass any other way. If you experience problems with the prompt return of children to have, then please contact me.

30th Judge September 2010
mail and fax to the court in Münster

Dear Mrs. N. has

two days ago from muenster v. reported to me. We now have long telephone calls. I'm an editor and writer, also mayor candidates in Wilhelmshaven.

jugendamt which I have already announced a lawsuit for child custody. The complaint I would make against them.

for no apparent reason they expand in their decision of 18 march 2010 even the recommendations of the expert, whose designs do not meet a second opinion, according to scientific criteria. rock

them in their decision-high incidents experienced by all the pairs of parents with children. Also, they seem almost to follow the opinion of the Scientologists that children as are able to analyze how rational adult, and thus the system of reward and punishment completely.

in future they should in any case follow my blog the word empathy seems to be now a homicide vocabulary.

second October 2010
mail to the Institute for Forensic Psychology Dortmund

Dear Mrs. L.,

in collaboration with your colleague you have SF on 26 January 2010, a 155-page report on V and their family situation created. This report is a second opinion, according to "higher village gossip." Scientific criteria are not met.

I'm an editor and writer from Wilhelmshaven, also I am running in Wilhelmshaven as mayor candidate. See I've been out for hours telephone calls to the mother. She has learned to laugh again.

V. The case joins m. E. in the number of "scandalous" cases within the jurisdiction of the youth welfare offices of Osnabruck and Munster, the 3sat reported in 2007. In one case, the taxpayer had been with 53 000 euros for pain and suffering and compensation for the "inhuman work" (Professor Uwe Jopt of the Bielefeld University during the broadcast) of the Youth Office are straight.

The Youth Office of Munster and the competent family court judge I have already announced criminal charges of child deprivation. After studying your statement that I have now picked up from the post, I'll probably have to do it against you. In any case, you should follow my pages attention.

If you know the 3sat review should not, here is the link

pleased as criminal complaints, I would find an immediate reversal of the family court, youth ministry and a withdrawal of your "higher village gossip."

actions or interactions of Inter

4th October 2010
fax and letter to the court of Munster

Dear, N.,

Mrs v. entrusted me with the perception of their interests. This authorization will be sent to by mail.

agency as legal counsel, I hereby request to: The report from the Institute for Forensic Psychology, 26 January 2010, in the process no longer used because it is not scientific demands. The findings are completely worthless.

I use the Internet for the depiction of this case, the figure "Commissioner Internet." In my recent Internet publication I come as a "commissioner Internet at the following intermediate result:

Commissioner internet has also studied journalism in Mainz. Therefore he knows to the question "How do violence in media on the Viewers? There are three answers. The first is increasing the violence. The second is: You reduce the violence. The third is: They seem to already Violent, not Violent they do not act.

Each of these theories are based on scientific studies. Time as laboratory time as a field study. Laboratory study means that the monitoring group is in an artificial environment. Field study means that the monitoring group remains in their natural environment. Results: Laboratory studies are not much good are as good as not meaningful. If, in the experiment even mistakes are made, they are obsolete.

proposes Armed with this knowledge on Commissioner internet once the 155-page report about a family of Munster, which is on 3 December 2009,: an unmarried couple, a six-month-old baby for over two months, a foster mother, and a two-year-old who lives with his mother.

go on this December day mother, father and boy of Münster Dortmund to come there to clock 10.15 in the Institute for Forensic Psychology. The two-year-old immediately goes into the game room that is separated by a single slice of the observation room, and explored different ways to play. " Over a cup of tea

recovered Commissioner internet first of this formulation, then he reads, even though he on 3 December 2009 from 10.15 clock would have reacted quite differently from the consultant. He would have the parents and the two-year-olds showed first the Institute and the plot may be present to address any inhibitions.

Does the reviewer not watching mother, father and child in the playroom. The parents are sitting at a table, a drink, the boy looks around. To appear at 10.40 clock the foster mother with the baby. Die setzt das Baby auf den Boden, zieht sich in eine Ecke zurück und plaudert mit der Mutter.

Der Junge wirft derweil Spielzeug durch das Zimmer. Was soll hier eigentlich untersucht werden? fragt sich Kommissar Internet an dieser Stelle. Wie ein Zweijähriger eine Autofahrt verdaut? Wie Pflegemutter und Mutter miteinander zurecht kommen? Was hat die Pflegemutter eigentlich im Spielzimmer zu suchen, wenn es um eine kleine Familie geht? Die sich doch auch ohne Pflegemutter schon in einer künstlichen Situation befinden würde.

Aus der scheiden Pflegemutter und Säugling um 11.55 Uhr aus. Nach einer kurzen Pause wird die Beobachtung fortgesetzt. Merke: Der Zweijährige hält sich nach einer Autofahrt bereits seit einer Stunde und 40 Minuten in einem Spielzimmer auf, das nicht sein eigenes ist. Dass der Kleine zwischendurch nach draußen will, findet Kommissar Internet ganz natürlich. Was im Institut geschieht, immer künstlicher.

Bis die Uhr 13 Mal schlägt. Kommissar Internet hätte nun um eine Mittagspause gebeten, die mindestens eine Stunde dauert. Wäre mit Mutter und Kind spazieren gegangen und hätte unterwegs ein Restaurant besucht. Die Gutachterin jedoch denkt gar nicht daran. Lässt nun die Mutter Fragebögen ausfüllen, beobachtet anschließend Vater und Sohn im Spielzimmer. Auch der Vater füllt Fragebögen aus. Erlöst wird die Familie um 14.40 Uhr. Sie darf das Institut verlassen.

Tolle Leistung of the small, the Commissioner thinks the Internet, suggests the report again, and keeps all of that December day observations as completely worthless. Waste of time, which also costs more money ...

is to end in the statement of Commissioner Internet

goal is to reassure all sides for now. A reasonable solution must be found. After each interview with the mother, I will always safer: The two children were in good hands with her.

Often there are such cases, this problem affected consult other stakeholders. Which give the best of our knowledge and belief ADVICE prove but too often as not relevant. Conflict nicht geschlichtet, sondern verschärft. Das scheint mir auch in diesem Fall so zu sein.

4. Oktober 2010
Eilantrag an das Familiengericht von Münster

Sehr geehrte Frau Richterin N.,

ich stelle als Rechtsbeistand von Frau v. folgenden Eilantrag:

Die Umgangskontakte der Mutter mit ihrer Tochter bleiben erhalten.

Nächster Termin wäre der morgige 5. Oktober 2010

Frau v. hat mir soeben telefonisch mitgeteilt, dass das Jugendamt weitere Umgangskontakte unterbinden will, da man bereits eine Pflegefamilie für die Tochter habe. Das ist eine nicht rechtmäßige Vorgehensweise.

5. Oktober 2010

woman Bohemian

Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration

by mail by fax 03018102720
copy of Child Protection Services Family Court Münster Münster
wife, N.
copy Oberlandesgericht Hamm
Mr Justice F.

5th October 2010
Dear Böhmer,

what I will describe to you is, in my view Ausländerdiskrimierung under the roof of a German Youth Office and under the roofs of German courts.

The case is

wife v. citizen of Costa Rica, has lived for many years in Germany, lives in Münster, there began a study that is currently suspended, she is a mother of two children, JM, born on 17 July 2007, and N., who was born on 9 June 2009. The 37-year-old speaks perfect German.

Since the second pregnancy was associated with health complaints, the woman asked von authorities for help, they got it. Her mother from Costa Rica later rushed to his aid. Nevertheless, Ms. von away the daughter, as N. three and a half months old. The little girl is currently at a stand-by foster mother.

analyzed late 2009, a reviewer from Dortmund, the family situation. She came to the conclusion that at least the son could stay with the mother. Nevertheless, the court ruled from London: Both children must not stay with the mother. The son now lives with biological father, v. with the Women's is not married.

requested after this decision, Ms V. Legal aid, which was refused by the Higher Regional Court of Hamm. should also be heard in court do not get it. The money will be rejected at almost scandalously. The Higher Regional Court Hamm also relies on the now nine months old report in which it is the opinion of an expert to "higher village gossip."

The offer of further support from the mother refused on these grounds: "The now envisaged Unterstützung durch die Mutter der Kindesmutter rechtfertigt keine andere Bewertung, zumal die Kindesmutter es noch in der Beschwerdeschrift selbst für angezeigt erachtet hat, eine stationäre Mutter-Kind-Einrichtung aufzusuchen, in der ihre Mutter keinen Platz hätte."

Das ist nicht nur reichlich höhnisch, das Gericht verkennt auch, dass eine verzweifelte Mutter immer versuchen wird, aus der Falle der Verzweiflung wieder heraus zu kommen.

Obwohl die Familie laut Grundgesetz unter besonderem Schutz des Staates steht, fährt der Behördenzug immer weiter von der Mutter weg. Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm schreibt: "Im Interesse des Wohles des Kindes, das sich - worauf das Jugendamt zutreffend hinweist - im Alter von 15 Monaten in einer besonders sensiblen und mit entscheidenden Bindungsphase befindet, ist es daher sachgerecht, wenn das Jugendamt die eingeleiteten Maßnahmen zur Unterbringung in einer Dauerpflegestelle fortsetzen kann."

Heißt also: Ohne endgültigen Gerichtsbeschluss arbeitet das Jugendamt von Münster bereits an der weiteren Trennung von Mutter und Kind. Schon 2007 hat 3sat in einem Fernsehbeitrag diesem Jugendamt den Vorwurf gemacht: "Im Zweifel gegen die leiblichen Eltern".

Ich bin inzwischen Rechtsbeistand von Frau v., habe bereits mit ihr oft telefoniert und bin sicher: Sie ist eine tolle Mutter, der man zu Unrecht die Kinder wegnehmen will. Je länger ich über die bisherigen Entscheidungen nachdenke, the more questions pile up on me.

5th October 2010
mail to the Family Court of Münster

Dear, N.,

I've just been with Mrs. N. from the children's home M. phone. She told me that the rest of visitation rights v., to the juvenile office had found a foster family for her daughter.

This statement contradicts the statement before the youth office of Munster, which claims to have found a foster family. Since the children's home working on behalf of the youth office, it would surprise me if the home would get from social services no correct information.

Mrs. N. told me also that they face Visit the parent contacts have no objection. Once you have given the green light, it would make all the preparations.

I hereby appeal lay against the suspension of visiting rights (for whatever reason) one.

7th October 2010
mail and fax to the Youth Office of Munster, looks at the court of Munster and the Mayor of Münster

"The legislature in the participation of eligibility and the children and young people as recipients of assistance (§ 8 SGB VIII ) is essential for the effectiveness of aid was granted. " Says a decision of the Nuremberg City Council zur "Reform der Sozialen Dienste, Teil: Sozialpädagogische Basisdienste und Erzieherische Hilfen". Bei diesem Beschluss geht es auch um Hilfepläne nach § 36 SGB VIII.

"Nachdem die Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen des Jugendamtes sich ein Bild von der Situation gemacht haben und sich intern abgesprochen haben, schlagen sie dir und deinen Eltern eine passende und geeignete Hilfe vor." Heißt es auf den Internetseiten einer Berliner Rechtshilfe (BRJ), die sich einschaltet, wenn sie von Verstößen gegen diese Vorgaben erfährt.

Was aber ist in der Sache v. und m. als leibliche Eltern, j., geboren 2007, und n., geboren 2009, als deren Kinder geschehen?

Die Kindesmutter bekommt in einer schwierigen Phase Hilfe, der Kindesvater hat sie jüngst ebenfalls bekommen. Das Angebot eines Hilfeplanes ist den beiden ganz offenbar nie gemacht worden. Auf diese Idee sind auch die Anwälte, die eingeschaltet worden sind, bis heute wohl nicht gekommen.

Bei einer Anhörung des Jugendhilfeausschusses im Landtag des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen hat der Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) als Träger vieler Einrichtungen darauf hingewiesen, dass allen Eltern von (Heim-)Kindern Hilfepläne unterbreitet werden. Jedes Hilfeplangespräch finde im Beisein der Kinder statt.

In Hilfeplänen werden bekanntermaßen Ziele genannt, deren Erreichung in regelmäßigen Abständen is reviewed. The aim is always to return the children to their parents, if at all possible because.

But there are at v.? When attending meetings to make the official attendants notes. This gets the child's mother never to be seen. They are also counter-signed by it and has never been so approved. The child's father tells of pressure from the youth ministry and is apparently still a father against his will, which should finally learn, father delights to enjoy on a voluntary way. Recently, the child's mother has stated on a visit to the father of the child: for lunch is j. half naked in the apartment of the child's father around, breakfast, he got it yet. Im Kinderzimmer gibt es keine einzige Rückzugsmöglichkeit für den Dreijährigen.

Im Stuttgarter Rathaus hat am Weltkindertag eine Veranstaltung zu Kinderrechten stattgefunden. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wies die Bürgermeisterin für Soziales, Familie und Gesundheit darauf hin, dass jedes Kind ein Recht auf Ruhezonen habe.

Was aber verlangt das Familiengericht Münster zumindest von der Kindesmutter? Eine Rundum-Bewachung ihres Nachwuchses. Oder warum wird ihr der Vorwurf gemacht, sie lasse sich ablenken? Zu Ende gedacht, würde das bedeuten: Wollte ein Mann diese Frau verführen, müsste sie das ablehnen mit dem Hinweis, dass sie bei einem Orgasmus ihre Kinder nicht im Auge behalten kann. Ergo: Über the love life of mothers decide courts and youth services? Or, are mothers before sex get a tutor for the children before beginning the pleasurable hours?

I am from the decision of the family court and from other telephone conversations with the child's mother has long since become clear that von could twist and turn as they wanted, they had always decided against it.

The previously happened leads to an incredible scandal that must end immediately. This is only this: The children return immediately back to the child's mother, the family assistance plan is developed, which is implemented by mutual efforts. I am happy to my part to contribute.

get a copy of this mail, also the Mayor of Munster. The I send him as a candidate for mayor in Wilhelmshaven.

is Mr. Lewe five-time father, and he will surely know what one can demand from parents and what not ...

8th October 2010
initiate proceedings

Announces The family court judge in London: "I run a one process rights."

fax to Family Court and Youth

Dear, N.,

Dear Mrs. R.,

I find it intolerable now that everyone is in the process other information when it comes to visit by Ms. von. Some say that visiting contacts rested with her daughter, because social services is looking for foster parents, it means that the search had ended. Some say, for visit contacts were the Youth Office and the Family Court on, then it means that only the court had no jurisdiction.

violates the search for foster parents at this stage of the laws or should even be a criminal offense.

Mrs. Van wants her daughter still visible today. I urge you to make this contact. Unfortunately

sind mir Anrufe derzeit nicht möglich, da die Anschlüsse besetzt sind.

Ein Cent für das Jugendamt in Münster

12. Oktober 2010
Anruf beim Jugendamt Münster

Wieder eiert das Jugendamt herum. Man könne nichts tun, man müsse abwarten...Ich erkläre daraufhin der Mitarbeiterin den Stand der Dinge: Es gibt ein neues Verfahren vor dem Familiengericht in Münster, ich habe in dieser Angelegenheit bereits ein Aktenzeichen der Staatsanwaltschaft Münster und werde am  20. Oktober, 14 Uhr, der Polizeiinspektion Wilhelmshaven-Friesland den Fall vortragen. Vermeiden lasse sich das alles nur noch, wenn das Jugendamt "endlich in die Pötte comes ".

October 12, 2010
further urgent application / OLG Hamm

The Family Court Münster again mistress of the process. The woman v costs for the intervention of the OLG Hamm will be reported on the granting of legal aid.


Since the Family Court in Münster on Friday by telephone the opening of a deal announced legal proceedings, the decision of the OLG Hamm, received on 29 September 2010, finally fell Rejected. PKH been the application on the grounds of Mrs v their case had no prospect of success.

dignity OLG Hamm maintained its decision would anticipate an even higher authority not to proceed order of the Family Court in Münster. That would be unacceptable. The opening of the said proceedings before the Family Court of Münster shows that the cause of women's v well prospect of success. A method in which it is already the decision would violate constitutional principles.

as legal counsel for Mrs v, I get on now struggling with conflicting statements. The right to handle her daughter, Mrs refused v, according to the home at present, because social services Münster allegedly in search of a foster family is the youth of Muenster said, however, give a foster family there already. Sun time is running out, brother and sister no longer see themselves, the child's mother may now only see her son. What sense is to make such a system opens up, not me.

The child's mother and I are pursuing the following scheme: The sisters see themselves as quickly as possible, the child's mother has regular visits contact with their children, the Family Court Münster transmits all the rights back to the child's mother, the father of the child receives any visiting hours prior notice.

This family may be atomized longer.

Next Tuesday 19. October, 10 clock, child's mother and Commissioner internet, interview appointment with the Youth Welfare Office of Munster

Without attorney in family law cases

read 21st October 2010
Administrative Court allows lawsuit against Munster Münster Youth Office, the file number is 6 K 2298/10

The youth of Muenster allowed to visit the mother contact with her daughter on 9 November 26th

October 2010
filed a complaint of child deprivation

§ 235 of the Penal Code against the youth of Muenster
operation number 2010102600010003
meeting with the police in Wilhelmshaven: 29 October, 11 clock.

19th November 2010
unloading from the Oberlandesgericht Hamm

The date 23rd November 2010, 13 clock, the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Hamm is getting closer. But on 12 November 2010 can be detailed in the Court of Appeal a decision on an urgent application in no doubt that it will stay with the recent court decisions. I place immediately challenge for bias against the three judges. Today we can get the OLG an unloading because of this bias claims. The hearing shall not then on 23 November 2010. Now we focus first on the family court hearing on 29 November 2010.

Further letters


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