Thursday, March 3, 2011

Buggy For Sale In Ontario

Kinder in Münster (I)

second October 2010
The case

empathy, Empathaa, Empathrallala - for the youth ministry and for the court, everything is clear. This time in Münster. With many striking "taken charge". And a TV report, in which even the presumption of "state-run children Klaus" is geflimmert on the screens.

But what is really empathy? According to Wikipedia, such as the ability of a torturer, is put into his victims in and thus increase the pain. This property is missing a 37-year-old from Munster. Should you actually be counted high. But the Youth Office and the Family Court in Münster calculate differently: Empathy is always a positive quality. True, but who wants to here already stirring up a discussion on the level of education of public officials? Leads to nothing. Except for the withdrawal of custody rights for a three year old and one year.

Estar and ser

is obviously for the deprivation of custody even more difficult: This mother is born in a English speaking country. This language has the words estar for temporary and water for ever applicable. I am happy to be regarded not as something temporary, but as something eternal. Says in English: Soy feliz. Estoy feliz not. German view: is exuberant.

Where lack basic language knowledge, and lack the understanding of cultural differences. But if it were only that deficit. Therefore the decision of the District Court of Münster have to also have the impression: From which never has anyone had a child, so therefore has no one ever set the age of two or three years, almost the family home on fire or is spontaneous in an unguarded moment, somewhere run.

Even as children

The robot must have been even as a child robot. Top command in, down out of obedience. And they complain that the 37-year-old boy she once had a big knife in my hand. Commissioner internet even times a spiral, with whom he had supplanted his brother almost the eye. Therefore means: The parents of Commissioner internet have been incapable of education. Millions of others as well.

Reading family court decisions, one has also the impression that some passages are from writing machines, which are in any family court room. The following way: The charge that we care too much about his children alternate with the charge that they are negligible. are recipes for education as it is not - family courts, however, do so ...

And now preach deaf ears? Not even be established if the 37-year-old offers to help her mother with the care of children? So she has more leisure for their studies? And also have time for yourself? Fits well in Munster not in a youth or family court official brain. Already we are back to differences in mentality. In southern countries is mutual support in families seem self-evident than in Germany.

What to do? Commissioner internet has the youth department at Munster, the family court judge and the assessor Announced criminal charges of child deprivation. Whether it's work? writes

Commissioner Internet


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