Thursday, March 3, 2011

Intestinal Blockage In My Puppy

Joint-Kinder in Münster (XI)

16. Dezember 2010
Das Jugendamt von Münster als Freund

"Auch hat mein Sohn bei mir angeblich keine Struktur. Leider weiß die Behörde, dass das nicht stimmt, ist aber immer ein gutes Argument, um sein eigenes Ziel durchzusetzen", schreibt mir eine Mutter, die nach ihren eigenen Angaben nach Luxemburg geflüchtet in order to protect itself from a German Youth Office.

a similar accusation must currently also a mother of Munster to take. The process support her two children, writes on 10 December 2010, the Higher Regional Court of Hamm: "The child's mother still shows no insight into the needs of their children for peace and development in a stable living environment."

also writes these professional caregiver from Lüdinghausen, the child's mother was of the opinion, "they've always done the right thing". That makes it really only the Youth Office of Munster. This has come up with the following solution idea: The one and a half year old daughter lives with a willingness to foster mother and to get a foster family, the three year old son lives with the child's father. to be

dentures Out the grandmother of the children, as Commissioner internet godfather godfather and two aunts who want to help the mother. However, these helpers seem to have a major character flaw, according to the Youth Office of Munster. They do not say - as the child's father does: "I kiffe only after 19 clock when the boy is asleep." And leave it open the door to the nursery.

Why does the Youth Office of Münster not clear edge and says. "In the evening a joint and we are your friend, then we separate the siblings and not ask us every year with you, ? Whether the kids have mastered the care of cannabis plants "

That would be a deal - just not with marijuana, because is deal in this stuff banned, white commissioner Internet from the Narcotics Act

way, die every year, according to an international study 125th 000 children from the effects of passive smoking. With Cannabis plants smell fall in the number?

December 20, 2010
response of the Federal Centre for Health Education

Dear Mr. Tjaden,

I understand very well that you are concerned about the health of your sponsored child make. Given your descriptions of these seem to also be eligible to which from a distance, this course is limited can be assessed.

come when the parents smoke or consume cannabis probably several risk factors for the development of the child into account. The dangers of passive smoking (relative to tobacco) have been known for some time and were referred by you study basically confirmed only once and lined with concrete figures. Therefore, in Germany and many other countries also adopt smoking bans in public places. Smoking on their premises is not affected. However, responsible parents should not smoke as possible in their own rooms because the children do not inhale the smoke only passive, but also the residue on furniture and on the clothes of the parents with whom the young children come in contact so intense (see .

If cannabis is smoked, can of course be inhaled smoke and passive. Whether the amounts received by the child are important, it can be said that hard. Ultimately, it is a question of dose. If in the next room strong cannabis is smoked, for example, using a water pipe, and this is often the case, eg daily and poorly ventilated, so impaired by passive inhalation can not be excluded. You remember, we express caution because it depends as always on the circumstances of the case. But good for the child, these circumstances certainly do not. Cannabis is also often Tabakvermengt, so that the passive inhalation of cannabis fumes also have to contend the tobacco smoke.

is also asking whether the development of the child benefit if the single father smokes cannabis. However, there would have to be exact watch out. How often is consumed? Is probably a dependency before? How well the possible organization of daily life? How good is the relationship to the child? That's a lot of questions that I can not judge from afar, die Sie aber auch für sich beantworten können.

Ich kann Ihnen in diesem Zusammenhang keine rechtlichen Auskünfte geben. Dazu müssten Sie sich juristischen Rat einholen. Was die gesundheitlichen und sozialen Folgen für das Kind betrifft, so können Sie als Patenonkel aber Ihre Sorgen durchaus dem Vater des Kindes mitteilen. Wichtig wäre, dass dies möglichst NICHT in einer vorwurfsvollen Haltung geschieht, da dies nur Widerstand erzeugt und somit kontraproduktiv ist. Haben Sie auch keine Scheu, geradeheraus ihre Sorgen anzusprechen. Je klarer sie dies formulieren, umso bessern. Wenn der Vater ernsthafte Bedenken wegen der Gesundheit seines Kindes von jemanden anderen zu hören bekommt, so kann ihm dies durchaus zu denken . Give And maybe he will change his behavior.

the interest of the child it is intended useful when you try to talk with his father to come. I wish you much patience and
your sponsored child all the best.

love foster family


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