Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Straw Hat Crew Members

Ü7 process starts: Lutheran High School Potsdam can as a first or second choice school is selected to be

On Wednesday it's so far: The pupils of the sixth grades in the state of Brandenburg received the primary report with the recommendation for the further course of education in lower secondary, depending on assessment of the primary school an education course is recommended that the to acquire the "VET Erweitereten maturity" (EBR), for "specialized high school maturity" (FOR) or "matriculation" (AHR) results. A certain type of school, so "high school", "comprehensive school" or "high school" is not recommended . Basically, students can log on to any type of school. However, for the Recording at a high school the grade total 7 in the subjects German, mathematics and 1 Foreign language, and AHR-recommendation condition. If not, one or both conditions are still in front, only the opportunity to attend a trial class, whose success will depend on the approval to attend a high school.

The visit of a high school with any kind of possible recommendation. Shall be admitted to the Evangelical Secondary School Potsdam students with all three types of recommendations. After completing the tenth grade may then be decided whether the further education (at first) in a professional Ausbildung, eine mit beruflicher Ausbildung kombinierte weiter Schulbildung (z.B. an einem Oberstufenzentrum oder einer Fachschule und auf diesem Weg zur allgemeinen bzw. fachgebundenen Hochschulreife) oder aber an eine gymnasiale Oberstufe führt. 

Wichtig: Im Rahmen des Ü7-Verfahrens kann die Evangelische Oberschule Potsdam regulär als Erst- bzw. Zweitwunschschule angewählt werden. Bei Rückfragen steht Ihnen der Leiter der Abt. Primarbildung, Markus Althoff, unter der Telefonnummer 0331-2313-405 bzw. unter der Emailadrese gerne zur Verfügung.


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